Friday, April 20

NASA Modifies Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle Contract

April 20, 2007

Beth Dickey/J.D. Harrington
Headquarters, Washington

Kelly Humphries
Johnson Space Center, Houston



WASHINGTON - NASA has modified its contract with Lockheed Martin Corp.
of Littleton, Colo., to design, test and build the Orion crew
exploration vehicle.

The updated contract contains three significant changes. Two years
have been added to the design phase. Two test flights of Orion's
launch abort system have been added. And production of a pressurized
cargo carrier for the International Space Station has been deleted
from the initial design phase.

NASA continues work to ensure a smooth transition from the Space
Shuttle Program to the Constellation Program. This is demonstrated in
a fourth element of the contract modification that provides for use
of surplus raw materials, such as aluminum-lithium ingots now used in
the construction of space shuttle fuel tanks, for Orion.

"NASA and Lockheed have been working together as a team during the
past six months to iron out many critical design and schedule
details," said Skip Hatfield, manager the Orion Project at NASA's
Johnson Space Center in Houston. "This contract update will
synchronize our spending plan with the rest of the Constellation

NASA awarded the Orion prime contract to Lockheed Martin Corp. on Aug.
31, 2006. At that time, the development portion of the contract was
valued at $3.9 billion with a period of performance through December
2011. This contract modification, in the amount of $385 million,
brings the total value to approximately $4.3 billion and adjusts the
development period of performance through December 2013.

This update is the result of a NASA request for engineering change
proposal issued on Dec. 15, 2006. Lockheed Martin's proposal was
received March 7, 2007. The contract modification was signed April

The modification reflects continuing progress on Orion's development,
including program formulation and systems assessments addressing the
rocket, ground infrastructure and all other elements necessary for a
successful first launch. The period of performance now matches the
evolving NASA budget landscape.

"The Orion team has made some critical decisions that will maximize
the performance and flexibility of this spacecraft," said Jeff
Hanley, manager of the Constellation Program at Johnson. "This
spacecraft will be a cornerstone of America's human exploration of
the solar system by a new generation of explorers, and these changes
and additional tests will ensure that it is robust enough to
accomplish its missions."

Meanwhile, work progresses as planned on the contract. NASA and
Lockheed Martin have completed Orion's systems requirements review
and are moving toward a systems design review scheduled in August.

For information about NASA's Constellation Program and Orion Project,


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