Thursday, May 31

NASA Gives "Go" for Space Shuttle Launch on June 8

May 31, 2007

Katherine Trinidad
Headquarters, Washington

Tracy Young
Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

RELEASE: 07-127


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - On Thursday, NASA senior managers selected June
8 as the official launch date for space shuttle Atlantis. Commander
Rick Sturckow and his six crewmates are scheduled to lift off at 7:38
p.m. EDT on the STS-117 mission to the International Space Station.

During the 11-day mission and three spacewalks, the crew will work
with flight controllers at NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, to
install a 17-ton segment on the station's girder-like truss and
deploy a set of solar arrays. The mission will increase the
International Space Station's power capability in preparation for the
arrival of new science modules from the European and Japanese space

Atlantis' launch date was announced at the Flight Readiness Review.
During the two-day meeting, top NASA and contractor managers assess
any risks associated with the mission and determine whether the
shuttle's equipment, support systems and procedures are ready for
flight. The first Flight Readiness Review for STS-117 was held Feb.
27-28. A hail storm on Feb. 26, however, damaged Atlantis' external
fuel tank and delayed the planned mid-March launch.

"While we cannot control the weather, this team can ensure that when
we do launch, it will be as safely as possible," said Associate
Administrator for Space Operations Bill Gerstenmaier, who chaired the
meetings. "This second Flight Readiness Review was as thorough as the
first. The discussions were open, healthy, and are evidence of a team
that is ready for a complicated and important station assembly

Joining Commander Sturckow on STS-117 will be Pilot Lee Archambault
and mission specialists Patrick Forrester, Steven Swanson, John
"Danny" Olivas, Jim Reilly and Clayton Anderson. Anderson will
replace current station crew member Sunita Williams, who has lived on
the station since December. Williams will return to Earth on

For more information about the STS-117 mission, including images and
interviews with the crew, visit:


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