Sunday, December 10

Discovery Doing Well So Far, NASA Says

In this image made from NASA TV, a robotic arm and camera boom are extended out from the Space Shuttle Discovery as it orbits Earth Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006. The camera and sensors will scan and inspect the shuttle's wings and nose cap for damage during liftoff. (AP Photo/NASA TV)
Shuttle Looks to Have Blasted Off Without Damage, NASA Says; More Time Necessary for Checks

HOUSTON Dec 10, 2006 (AP)— Space shuttle Discovery looks to be in good health so far, NASA managers said Sunday, although it will be at least two days before engineers can rule out any possible damage from the program's first night launch in four years.

"So far so good," said lead flight director Tony Ceccacci as Discovery's astronauts wrapped up a meticulous inspection of the shuttle's heat shield, looking for any possible damage from liftoff....

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