Tuesday, December 19

Tough Choices for NASA Put Shuttle, Crew and Mission At Risk

NASA mission managers have to chose between conducting a late inspection to ensure the Space Shuttle is ready to return to Earth and missing the landing window. (NASA/ AP Photo )
Mission Managers Decide to Conduct Final Inspection

Dec. 19, 2006 — The mission management team at NASA made the choice to do a final inspection of the Space Shuttle Discovery on Thursday and land on Friday or Saturday at the first available and weather-friendly landing site — the Kennedy Space Center, Edwards Air Force Base or White Sands New Mexico.

The managers had faced a tough decision as to which was the bigger risk: skipping the late inspection to see if Discovery was damaged by a micrometeorite while it was docked with the International Space Station during the past week? Or running out of time to land Discovery safely when the shuttle's fuel reserves are close to empty? ...

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